Returns + Cancellations


  • Once we receive your order we get to work on it right away, therefore it may not be possible to cancel an order that is in process.
  • To request a cancellation please contact Customer Service at 787-758-6378 and we will attempt to stop or modify the order.
  • Once an item has shipped, cancellation is not possible.
  • In the case of custom, special order and non-returnable items cannot be cancelled.
  • Cancellation requests may take several days to process and you will be sent an email upon confirmation.
  • If an order ships prior to confirmation, you may have the option of returning the item once it is received. A refund will be issued following the standard return process.


  • We hope you love your purchase, but we understand that you may need to return it.
  • LUMINATI accepts returns on the majority of our products—in new, uninstalled condition and original packaging—within 15 days of receipt, unless otherwise noted on the item’s product page.
  • To begin a return request, locate the correct order and item you would like to return, and then follow the instructions from there.
  • Once your return request has been authorized, you can ship it to:
    Ave. FD. Roosevelt #302
    San Juan, PR 00918
  • Please note that any shipping charges from your original order are non-refundable.

***RETURNS EXCEPTIONS: We are unable to accept returns for:

  • Products that are clearly marked non-returnable on the Product Detail Page
  • Products that have been assembled or installed
  • Products without original packaging or not in their original condition
  • Products with crystals that have been unwrapped
  • Custom orders, including those that are made-to-order or customized to your specifications
  • Light bulbs
  • Large quantities of the same product (3 or more)
  • Open-box
  • Clearance items or Closeout items

Your refund credit will be issued after the item has been received and inspected. The cost of the return shipping is not refundable; you are responsible for the return shipping cost of any item you return.


Unfortunately, fragile items are sometimes damaged in shipping. As part of that process, we ask that you inspect all items individually once they arrive so that any damage claims can be made immediately.

  • If an item arrives damaged or have missing parts, you must notify LUMINATI within 3 days of receipt. We will arrange a prompt replacement of the item or parts, depending of what apply.
  • We will also request that you provide photos of any damaged product, along with the product packaging.
  • Contact our Customer Service Team at 787-758-6378 and we will replace the item or send replacement parts as soon as possible.
  • In some instances it is possible to repair damages and/or defects with replacement parts. When this is the case, we reserve the right to utilize this as a solution.

Defective Products

  • Defective goods (those with factory defects, missing parts or other problems originating prior to shipment) are handled differently than damaged goods (which are damaged in shipping).
  • We work closely with our suppliers to ensure that quality production and inspection procedures are in place, but sometimes defects do occur.
  • We work with you to resolve these issues, but you must report any product defect within 7 days of receiving your order.


  • Most of our manufacturers bring warranty to their products. Please contact us if you have questions regarding specific product warranties.
  • • LUMINATI and its suppliers shall not be liable for any indirect, special, consequential, or incidental damages including, without limitation, lost profits or revenues, costs of replacement goods, loss or damage to goods or services arising out of the use or inability to use this site or any product purchased from LUMINATI damages resulting from use of or reliance on the information present, even if LUMINATI or its suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
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787.758.6378 | 302 Ave. Roosevelt, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Copyright © 2019 Luminati corp